World Language
The World Language Department offers learners at all levels the opportunity to study French, Spanish, and Latin, and to develop proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking through a range of engaging courses and activities.
By immersing themselves in their chosen language for at least three years, our students build profound connections across linguistic, historical, and cultural spectrums, as well as within their communities and personal lives.
This journey fosters intellectual independence, sharpens critical thinking, and ignites a lifelong enthusiasm for exploring worlds beyond their own.
Application: Le Petit Prince by Antoine de St. Exupéry
Students in Honors French 3 put their understanding of French grammar and vocabulary to the test, delivering slideshow presentations to their peers on the book, Le Petit Prince by Antoine de St. Exupéry. Their presentations included a summary, vocabulary, and discussion questions, which were all presented and answered entirely in French.